
In order to successfully heal a piercing, everything must be done correctly, and at Prestigious Piercing we believe the key components must be correct: jewelry quality, piercing placement (anatomy), jewelry size, and proper aftercare guidelines.
There are many different types of piercings and while over the years they have taken on trendy nicknames, it is important to know the technical names for these piercings to avoid confusion when shopping for jewelry or discussing with your piercing artist
Piercings we offer...

Getting a Curated Piercing is the perfect way to make the most of luxury body piercing. And doesn't just stop at the ear.
When we discuss your project, one of our qualified piercing artists will take notes on your personal style, little details that mean something to you, and any other details we come up with together.
Oftentimes, clients who are overwhelmed with options or enjoy the experience of having everything taken care of for them will opt to have their piercings and jewelry styled for them personally, with your anatomy and unique look being the inspiration for the piercings our experts create for you.
What’s in the stars for you? This trendy way to style piercings is perfect for lovers of dainty jewelry. These piercing projects typically consist of 3 or more piercings, styled with dainty diamond studs, minimalist shapes or even zodiac and star jewelry designs that can take on the layout of an actual constellation.
Your first piercing should set the tone for a lifetime of exercising consent and choosing what you do with your body. At Prestigious Piercing, we firmly believe in making every trip to our studio a clean, safe and comfortable one. We offer earlobe piercings on children ages five and up, in a one on one setting with child, parent and piercer. From jewelry selection and paperwork, all the way to the main event - your child runs the show when they step through our doors. Please don't bring any other children or family members during this visit. Like all of our other piercings, we don’t use any piercing guns or non sterile equipment in our studio, and we always practice patience and encouragement when working with clients, especially with kids.
Things to remember when bringing a child into our studio:
• Children must be at least five years of age and be accompanied by their parent with an ID.
• At this time, we cannot offer tandem piercings (two piercers performing one piercing each)
• Fresh piercings cannot be submerged for eight to twelve weeks - be mindful of this during the summertime, with swim classes or when considering hair care.
• Make sure all parents are on the same page. We want to make sure no matter who is caring for the child, they know the steps to insure the piercings heal successfully.
Children 7-11 years old can receive ear lobe piercings only. We must make a copy of their birth certificate & the parents ID. For children these ages a birth certificate is absolutely required.
Children 12-13 years old can receive ear lobes and helix piercings only. If a client is getting anything other than their ear lobes pierced, they will need to provide a photo ID and have their parent/guardian present with them, regardless of age. A parent is required to provide proof that they are the child's parent, this can be proven using the birth certificate, if that is not available we can provide a legal affidavit to sign, however, if our staff suspects the adult that is present with the child is not their legal parent, we will require the birth certificate anyway, so it is always safer to bring this just in case.
Children 14 years or older can receive any piering they choose, except for intimate piercings, but must provide a photo ID and have their parent/guardian present with them, regardless of age and no matter what they are getting pierced. A parent is required to provide proof that they are the child's parent, this can be proven using the birth certificate, if that is not available we can provide a legal affidavit to sign, however, if our staff suspects the adult that is present with the child is not their legal parent, we will require the birth certificate anyway, so it is always safer to bring this just in case.
People 18 years and older, can receive anything they choose and can not have an adult accompany them. Parents/Guardians are no longer eligible to sign for or give consent because the person is not legally considered a child anymore. The client will be required to bring their government issued ID such as a passport, permit, state ID, legal resident/citizen card, or drivers license. However, a student ID or military ID is not acceptable.
Summary: children that are 7-13 years of age can use a birth certificate as long as they are only getting their ear lobes pierced. Children 14 and over must provide their photo ID & their birth certificate no matter what they are getting pierced.
Parents/Legal Guardians are required by law to be present the entire time and cannot coerce or force their child into getting a piercing, and will sign paperwork acknowledging this. Legal guardians are required by law to provide their documents from the legal court system proving their guardianship status. Notarized notes are not acceptable. Step-parents, grandparents and older siblings are not eligible to give consent for the child to be pierced, unless they have been appointed by the courts as the child's legal guardian, in which case this paperwork is required. A parent is required to provide proof that they are the child's parent, this can be proven using the birth certificate, if that is not available we can provide a legal affidavit to sign, however, if our staff suspects the adult that is present with the child is not their legal parent, we will require the birth certificate anyway, so it is always safer to bring this just in case.
Have additional questions? Please call for further information.
Aftercare is everything, but troubleshooting can be just as important. It is important to stick to an aftercare routine that works for you and be consistent with it.
If you ever grow concerned about your piercing please notify us and we will begin troubleshooting with you, we definitely don’t recommend searching google, youtube or Facebook for advice, almost everything you need is right here !
A body piercing heals from the outside first, and then has a much slower process of healing inside the piercing (hole). The reason for this is because not only are we healing a puncture wound, but we are also trying to get our bodies to accept our new foreign object-friend ! The reality is, if we were to pierce your tissue and then immediately remove the needle, all that is left behind is a little crescent-shape cut mark, tiny like a scratch. It would bleed a little because there is nothing to “plug” the wound, but the tissue would immediately tighten back up or “spring back together” leaving it unable to then insert jewelry.
Believe it or not, when piercing, we’re not actually removing any tissue. We’re gently and accurately separating the tissue using a (in most cases) tiny needle. Once your jewelry is inserted that tissue around it then tightly hugs it, giving the wound structure and stability to heal a fistula. This tube-shape wound then hardens and becomes a tube-shape scab, sticking tightly around the jewelry as it's trying to heal. Anytime your piercing is bumped, rotated, or moved in any way, this scab inside gets ripped off but it doesn’t have anywhere to go, so it stays inside the wound. The more you move and touch your piercing the more it will “ooze” fluids as your body is trying to get rid of the excess build up of scabs inside, in addition to the germs you introduced to the area when touching it. You never need to “unstick” your jewelry, it won't get stuck and moving it will only increase your swelling.
Within a few hours or days your body will realize that there is now a foreign object in you. Naturally -assuming everything else is done correctly- your body's only concern is to get this foreign object out of there ! We don’t want to keep reminding your body of this foreign object by touching it constantly, because your body will want to get rid of it in an effort to protect us. If we just leave our piercings alone, keep them as dry as possible, your piercing will retain its structure and stability thus allowing it to heal safely and smoothly.
The healing process is long. When healing navels, nipples, surface piercings or anything cartilage, your piercing can take up to a year to heal completely inside, and can take six months to change, or eight months to change to a ring. When healing an oral piercing, ear lobe, septum, or eyebrow piercing, complete healing can take up to three months. We know this is a lot of info and can be a little overwhelming, but it’s important to understand that body piercings are a lot of responsibility and will require your love and care, and we are here for you along the way !
Redness, swelling, a little itchiness, "secretions" or scabbing, tenderness and a little bleeding is normal for body piercings and fresh wounds. The fluids your body secretes when healing should be white, clear or pale yellow in color, these secretions are NOT puss, just a little scabbing. These are the fluids that your body develops to create a scab and start healing this area. Sometimes, this is also just a build up of sweat and oils . So no worries, don't pick at this. Just like a normal scab, picking at this will result in more scarring, longer healing, and germs in the area which can lead to infection.
Irritation bumps can happen if irritation/stress is introduced to the area or your general immune system either directly or indirectly. These are common and DO GO AWAY. The bump goes away once the irritation goes away and together we want to figure out what has caused it, so DO NOT TOUCH IT.
Medications we take including contraceptives, acne medications, changes in your immune system, allergies, emotional stress and even your outside environment (heat, summer, humidity, face masks) can put stress on a piercing, so make sure you're healthy and be careful to follow our tips carefully.
What Is Not Normal
Our aftercare instructions are designed to eliminate cross contamination when caring for your piercing, this means that as long as all of our instructions are followed properly there is almost 0% chance your piercing can become infected. Remember, infections don't just happen, neglect and bacteria must be introduced.
Extreme pain weeks or months after the piercing is done, a lot of itchiness, fever, green, brown, or dark yellow, stinky/sticky secretions are not normal. Swelling after a substantial amount of time has passed since being pierced, and swelling that causes the jewelry to be engulfed into the skin is not normal and we want to figure out what has caused this.
If you assume you have an infection please do not google, youtube, or facebook any treatments or advice. Do not try to self medicate or self diagnose. Please make us aware of the concern and consult your doctor.
It is important to not confuse an irritation with an infection. If anything seems abnormal in the slightest way contact us for consulting. If an emergency arises, you can not come to our studio, or if you suspect you might have an infection please visit a doctor for medical attention and notify us of the situation.
USING SALINE SPRAY, CLEAN ALL AROUND YOUR PIERCING 3x DAILY ON ALL SIDES FOR ABOUT 5 SECONDS. Using the special designed nozzle to “flush” off the scabs or other build up, place the nozzle next to your piercing and spray directly onto the piercing hole, not being afraid of the nozzle's pressure. If your piercing doesn’t have a lot of build up or scabbing, a light cleaning about an inch away is just perfect !
DON'T TOUCH OR MOVE THE JEWELRY. WHY BREAK THE SCABS INSIDE THE HOLE that are starting to form? These scabs will soon turn into a fistula that will become your piercing’s home.
Some clients will even blow dry their piercings and the surrounding area on low or no heat setting to ensure all moisture is gone. No matter what, remember your key rule is to never touch or move the piercing and its jewelry.
Remember, your body will recognize this is a foreign object within a few days or hours and once it does, your body's natural response is to get rid of this foreign object. The trick is for me to do my job so well, and for you to take care of it so well that we give the body no other choice but to accept this new addition and start the slow process of forming a fistula, or a tube of skin around the piercing inside of the hole.
Every time we move, touch, yank or pick at our piercing we are reminding our body of this foreign object it's naturally supposed to get rid of. By doing so we also cause more scar tissue and introduce bacteria. So, let's give your body a chance to heal and not complicate this already very long and sensitive process.
We want to keep your piercing dry from water because bacteria thrives in warm, moist, dark environments, so let's keep our piercing area dry and clean !
For cleaning, we recommend using a mild, alcohol free mouthwash such as Biotene, but always check if you are allergic to any products. Make sure to use a brand new toothbrush after getting your piercing, it's wise to change this out once a month at least.
For the first month, you should rinse any time you eat and avoid drinking alcohol or smoking. Try to consume mostly water, and lots of it! You should also rinse the outside of the piercing with sterile saline two to three times a day for the first three months.
Your piercing may swell for 1 to 3 weeks. During this time try to eat soft foods and sleep with your head elevated. To reduce swelling, drink plenty of water and take an anti-inflammatory (that is safe for you) according to the package's instructions, and don't play with the piercing.