Prestigious Piercing is everything Corpus Christi was lacking when it comes to the body piercing and body jewelry experience.
At Prestigious Piercing we choose to carry only the highest quality biocompatible materials for your piercings. Since we are working with fine jewelry rather than costume jewelry, when you get a piercing with us you are not limited to a small selection of “plain” or “starter” pieces. You can wear a stylish piece of jewelry whether it be a diamond stud, a fun design, or even a gold hoop in your piercing.
We prefer to only use Nickel Free* 14k solid gold, Implant Grade Titanium, and in some cases glass jewelry for clients needing retainers to create a less noticeable look. We will never use any plated, hollowed or fake gold, externally threaded, “surgical steel” or other dangerous, non compliant non certified jewelry materials in your piercings. This means that everyone can gets to experience falling in love with their perfect piece of jewelry rather than being limited to a smaller case with less-appealing options due to allergies or sensitivities.
Choosing jewelry for a new piercing is obviously quite different from shopping for a ring to wear on your finger. Because body jewelry is worn inside a wound and is in contact with your internal tissues, only certain products are suitable.
When shopping for jewelry or a piercing placement, safety and compatibility comes before the look we want for our piercing. Instant gratification isn’t always to be expected with piercing wounds. The size, style, material, and quality of the initial piece of jewelry all affect your ability to heal. Remember that the piercing location is fixed, but the jewelry can be changed after you have successfully healed.
Now a Business Woman, Sammi views her success as an opportunity to give back to the community that made her. Giving back in a meaningful way continues to be the goal for her as it is what brings her true happiness from her businesses.
As a child Sammi spent time with her step father at his tattoo shop when she didn't have school. If she wasn't drawing, her dad put her to work scrubbing tubes, doing paperwork and greeting his customers.
“I used to get so frustrated because people would ignore me when I would try to help them as they walked into the shop. I remember pouting to my dad because no one could hear my shy, soft spoken voice, and no one noticed me because I was just a little girl.. He said...“baby, you have to MAKE THEM HEAR YOU, & MAKE THEM NOTICE YOU, NO MATTER WHAT”...
I was maybe 6 years old then if I remember correctly, and I have never forgotten that day or the lesson it taught me... This studio is the result of lessons like these, it is the result of nearly ten hard years of work and perseverance, it is the result of having faith and trusting that God will always provide what is already for me.”
Sammi was only 16 when she started piercing professionally at her dad's tattoo shop. Less than a year into her career, she began her revolutionary journey to transform the body piercing market in her area. During high school, college and on, she ran a tattoo shop for her family where she gained some of her most pivotal lessons and an immense amount of hands on experience in management and everything related to owning a business and leading a team.
Through years of research, networking and education, she has cultivated a way to fuse both her taste in style and her love of body art while still providing the safest body piercing experience in the Coastal Bend. She is now an accomplished business woman, who’s just getting started.
Choosing jewelry for a new piercing is obviously quite different from shopping for a ring to wear on your finger. Because body jewelry is worn inside a wound and is in contact with your internal tissues, only certain products are suitable.
The look of the jewelry that is placed in your fresh piercing must be secondary to aspects that affect safety and compatibility with your body. The size, style, material, and quality of the initial piece of jewelry all affect your ability to heal. Remember that the piercing location is fixed, but the jewelry can be changed after you have successfully healed.

As professionals our number one focus is your health, happiness and the successful healing of your piercing. We believe in limiting your risk of infection by practicing aseptic techniques at all times and cross contamination prevention techniques. One of the steps we take to reduce your risk and make things more comfortable is a free-hand technique used for almost all piercing services. Sometimes tools can be helpful or even necessary, so when we do need to use them we make sure they have already been cleaned and sterilized properly.
In order to achieve sterilization, all of the necessary steps must be done thoroughly and correctly. This includes sanitation, disinfection, and thus finally, sterilization.
Needles: We are huge advocates for safe piercing and the use of needles vs piercing guns, it is important that these instruments are also used correctly. All of our needles are single use, meaning after we inspect each new needle for imperfections, sterilize and use each needle, it is then thrown away in a sharps container which is kept locked and mounted on the wall in a designated area of the piercing room.
Tools: The tools a piercer needs consists of ring bending tools, receiving tubes, insertion tapers, forceps and hemostats to aid with grabbing small pieces of jewelry to get in tight areas. After each use these tools are soaked in an enzymatic processing solution that breaks down blood proteins, bodily fluids that carry viruses and pathogens, and provides a lubricating bath to avoid the buildup of debris and bacteria in the tools.
The tools are then individually scrubbed by hand in a hot bath of this enzymatic processing solution and disinfected using our medical grade disinfectant, which is proven to be the most efficient disinfectant on the market, even proven to destroy the presence of the covid virus. After this step tools are transferred to an ultrasonic bath in which ultrasonic cleaning kills bacteria and other pathogens through a physical reaction, by releasing ultrasonic electric waves through the solution the tools are soaking in.
The tools are then rinsed, disinfected again, dried and packaged for sterilization. Along with the tools, jewelry, and needles needed to pierce, we also sterilize the materials we use for skin prep and post piercing clean up. This includes gauze, a single use marker, q tips, rubber bands, and sterile draping.
Sanitation is more than just cleaning and scrubbing, removing visible contamination and debris dramatically lowers the number of germs on the surface. However, a proper sanitizing product will be able to greatly reduce the amount of viruses on the surface that scrubbing in soap and water can leave behind.
Disinfection is the destruction of viruses, bacteria, and fungi on surfaces that have come in contact with a client’s skin. Proper disinfection leaves a surface highly unlikely to transmit infection or cause disease. Disinfection is only for non-living surfaces because disinfectants are damaging to living skin and may lead to irritation or allergic reactions.
Sterilization is the complete destruction of all microscopic life on a surface including the elimination of disease causing pathogens and viruses. Tattoo/piercing studios, salons, spas and hospitals should use a universal safe sterilization method and should all be held to the same level of cleanliness..
At Prestigious Piercing we use a Statim G4 autoclave that vacuums out any non sterile air first, and propels hot, sterile steam through the chamber to effectively sterilize all surfaces of the tools or jewelry inside. The sterilization process only takes about 4 minutes, with prep and dry time the whole process takes about 15 minutes.
After all materials, tools, and jewelry needed is sanitized, disinfected, and packaged it is then processed in our vacuum Statim G4 Autoclave for approximately 15 minutes at 260 degrees and is complete once all of the steam has been dried out from inside the chamber.
We test our autoclave each use in addition to a weekly spore test. Which not only makes sure our autoclaves are reaching effective temperatures, but also that there is not any bacteria present on the spore strip, to ensure all bacteria is effectively eliminated.
We believe that all people should be treated equally, and this includes giving all people-including children-the right to consent. As the client you have the right to refuse, meaning at any time you don't have to go through with your service if you don’t feel safe or ready. A client should never be made to feel obligated to get a piercing or tattoo. And children should never be held down or forced into making such a big commitment and change to their body.
We believe that by facilitating an encouraging, empowering environment, children and adults will carry the experience and the memory- that it's their body, their choice- forever.
We understand nerves and the sillys, so we are very patient and even playful with children when they need a little break from all the seriousness, but our policy stands firm- if a child is adamant that they do not want this done, we won't force them. Instead, we talk about overcoming fears and make sure that's their decision, if it is, we wait about another 6 months to a year until they are ready to try again.
Make sure you have gone over what is expected of you in terms of aftercare and the responsibility that comes with piercings. It is a good idea to make sure a piercing works for you and your lifestyle prior to making an appointment, call us if you need help finding out if something is right for you.
We recommend being honest with yourself and your child about the pain and discomfort associated with piercings, we want them to have a realistic expectation for their experience.
Please contact us ahead of time to book an appointment. Currently, we can only allow one client per artist into the studio at a time, so unfortunately this means clients cannot bring any friends, guests, spouses or children to their appointments.
Only children receiving piercings are permitted into the studio, or minors receiving piercings that are accompanied by one (1) parent.
Attain a valid form of ID.
Coming in fresh and clean if you have worked previously in the day.
Eat a small meal before coming in so your stomach isn't empty.
You’ll be told to purchase gauze and waterproof bandages such as Tegaderm for certain piercings like navel and nipple piercings, you can purchase this beforehand at any store you would like. Purchasing a neck pillow will help you prepare for ear piercings.
Figuring out a comfortable and effective way to not sleep on your piercings and keep them dry. We ask that you don't drink at least a few days before getting a piercing. We will not pierce anyone who seems to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol to any degree
Our piercing room is private, with open industrial ceilings to keep it airy and engaging, while still allowing our client to feel safe and secure in their settings. Working by appointment allows us to give our clients a specialized visit when shopping with us and receiving new body art. When you arrive we will consult about your style, how minimal or extravagant of a look you’re going for, and what we have arranged for you. From start to finish Senior Resident Piercer, Sammi Marchesé will work with you one on one to create the perfect experience for you whether it be a visit for a piercing, jewelry change or consult.
Children 5-11 years old can receive ear lobe piercings only. We must make a copy of their birth certificate & the parents ID. For children these ages a birth certificate is absolutely required.
Children 12-13 years old can receive ear lobes and helix piercings only. If a client is getting anything other than their ear lobes pierced, they will need to provide a photo ID and have their parent/guardian present with them, regardless of age. A parent is required to provide proof that they are the child's parent, this can be proven using the birth certificate, if that is not available we can provide a legal affidavit to sign, however, if our staff suspects the adult that is present with the child is not their legal parent, we will require the birth certificate anyway, so it is always safer to bring this just in case.
Children 14 years or older can receive any piering they choose, except for intimate piercings, but must provide a photo ID and have their parent/guardian present with them, regardless of age and no matter what they are getting pierced. A parent is required to provide proof that they are the child's parent, this can be proven using the birth certificate, if that is not available we can provide a legal affidavit to sign, however, if our staff suspects the adult that is present with the child is not their legal parent, we will require the birth certificate anyway, so it is always safer to bring this just in case.
People 18 years and older, can receive anything they choose and can not have an adult accompany them. Parents/Guardians are no longer eligible to sign for or give consent because the person is not legally considered a child anymore. The client will be required to bring their government issued ID such as a passport, permit, state ID, legal resident/citizen card, or drivers license. However, a student ID or military ID is not acceptable.
Summary: children that are 5-13 years of age can use a birth certificate as long as they are only getting their ear lobes pierced. Children 14 and over must provide their photo ID no matter what they are getting pierced.
Parents/Legal Guardians are required by law to be present the entire time and cannot coerce or force their child into getting a piercing, and will sign paperwork acknowledging this. Legal guardians are required by law to provide their documents from the legal court system proving their guardianship status. Notarized notes are not acceptable. Step-parents, grandparents and older siblings are not eligible to give consent for the child to be pierced, unless they have been appointed by the courts as the child's legal guardian, in which case this paperwork is required. A parent is required to provide proof that they are the child's parent, this can be proven using the birth certificate, if that is not available we can provide a legal affidavit to sign, however, if our staff suspects the adult that is present with the child is not their legal parent, we will require the birth certificate anyway, so it is always safer to bring this just in case.